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10 Tips To Help Your Business Gain More Exposure Online

Having a business is great, but how can you be in business if no one knows you exist? The goal of having a business is to make money by having customers purchasing your goods or services. In order to do that you must have an audience that is willing to purchase what you offer. Here you will find 10 ways to increase traffic to your business and gain online exposure.

People love graphics so there is no better way to explain something by demonstrating it in an a form of info-graphic. You can create an info-graphic yourself or you can hire someone on fiverr to do it. Integrate this strategy to your social media marketing. It will get shares and drive traffic on auto-pilot.

Ad Campaigns
Start to incorporate ad campaigns to your marketing strategy, use facebook ads and other social media ad platforms to gain traffic. Create PPC campaigns to get clicks on your content, why ad campaigns? More and more people are finding resourceful information trough ad campaigns therefore if you are not getting a click your competitors are.

Press Release
This medium has been forgotten over the years, yet it is still a very powerful way to get expose your business online. Contact media outlets and ask how much they charge for a press release. You can get a legit press release written for cheap on fiverr and they can even publish it for you. Use this strategy accordingly to your needs to notify users of new products or services and so on.

Discounts To Old Customers
Your best customers are returned customers, if someone purchased something from you it means that they are interested in what you are offering. So make them come back and make them feel special by offering unique discounts trough email newsletter or direct mail.

Have a few promotions each year, buy one get one, buy one get one 50%off, back to school 10% off, free item when... This is important to attract new clients. We suggest to have at least 10 different promotions each year that last no long than 2 weeks each. Share your promotions on your newsletter and with your social media fans.

Offline Marketing
We live in an online driven society where everyone needs to be connected so this strategy has been disappearing slowly resulting in a decrease in offline marketing prices such as printing material. Truth is that this marketing strategy still works very well. Use flyers, brochures, direct mail, t-shirts, banners to promote your business and drive people to your website. For a full list of offline marketing methods click here.

Reward Program
Rewarding users in online or store cash to spend on your business is a great way to grow your business. Offer your users the chance to earn money when they refer a friend or offer some kind of reward program to your customers like points that they can exchange for future purchases.

Powerful SEO Strategy
Having a great ongoing monthly basis search engine optimization strategy is a must for every business. Because everyone uses google and search engines to find what ever they are looking for, it is the first thing they do when searching for anything. If you are not on the first page and on the top chances are your competitors are. So its important to have a great ongoing SEO strategy.

Social Media Presence
Be active and share content with your followers and fans, engage with them be present on multiple platforms. Create quizes, contests and promotions to keep your users engaged on your fan pages you can hire someone to manage your social media or you can do it yourself there are different softwares to help you.

Content Marketing
This is one of the most important ways to communicate with your audience and draw direct traffic to your business. Create effective content about your business that connects with your audience. Offer your audience something free that is valuable to them.

These 10 ways are sure to help your business grow and gain maxium exposure online. I hope you apply these strategies to your marketing plan in order to grow and target a new audience.

Much success,